OK so now the question is how to do the FIRMWARE UPGRADE & WHY TO DO IT?? Well for starters you can INSTALL JAVA on STAR as you would do on any Nokia or Sony Ericsson phone & second BUG FIXES. Now if you haven't encountered any bug on the phone I'll mention some. The message storage is suppose to be 500, but around only 200+ messages are stored in the phone & then it says inbox full. Also when you have an incoming call or outgoing you cannot see the number to which it is going (provided you have the number stored in your phonebook) When you have multiple numbers stored under single name this is a problem, this has been fixed as you get to see along with the name of the person calling you his/her number. 4 more Russian widgets have been added (If you know Russian good :D ). 3 new games :)
Now 2 things have changed (atleast for me) The "E" indicator which used to come up on the screen on the top to indicate if the GPRS session is active, is always there & second initially when I needed to use the gesture control on the phone I used to press the lock button slightly & the screen wouldnt get unlocked but just be in standby mode & i could write the character on the screen & it would work. This has changed, now in order to achive this I have to press the call pickup/call cut or the back button on the Star 3G & regarding the E indicator, Dark Forest has confirmed it, thats nothing to worry about. It just means that GPRS Edge is available on your network, it will turn red if connected to the net. That is normal with all open market firmware. :) So problem solved. :D
Now to get on with the Firmware Upgrade (Flashing)
1st -> You have to check if you have SIM LOCK enabled on your phone.Type *#7465625# and see. SIM LOCK SHOULD BE OFF. Do not proceed if you have it ON, get it to a shop & have it disabled.
2nd -> BACKUP YOUR PHONE!!! Your contacts, messages, pictures, wallpapers, ringtones, music, gprs settings etc.. (I have provided with GPRS setting for Vodafone Mumbai below)
3rd -> You will require USB cable (The one which came with your phone) & PC Suite. Make sure PC suite is installed before you start the process as it has the drivers necessary for communicating with your phone.Make sure the phone is communicating with your PC using PC Suite.
4th -> You need to download the firmware from Dark Forest's Site as shown below.

Side by side also download Multiloader from here
5th -> Now unpack the FIRMWARE files in a folder also make sure no program in your system start-up is occupying the COM ports. PC Suite will also cause a problem, so to fix it do as shown below.

Now that you have done this, switch off your phone, remove the battery, sim & micro SD. Place the battery back inside & press the volume down button,camera button & the power button all together. the phone will power up & will have a screen as shown below. In the mean time also restart you PC (This is very IMPORTANT)

Now that you PC is restarted connect the phone to the PC using the USB cable.
Now before going on further with the actually FIRMWARE UPGRADE(FLASHING) a disclaimer.
Now thats clear, lets begin.
1st -> Open up MULTILOADER & select the options in the exact order as shown below.

3rd -> Now that the BOOT LOADER files are in place lets proceed to FULL DOWNLOAD. Do EXACTLY as shown below.

4th -> Now with Rsrc1

5th -> The next step is VERY IMPORTANT, choose Rsrc2 (LOW) & not (MID). MID is know to have problems while booting the phone.

6th -> Now the Factory Setting files.

7th -> & finally the MASTER ROM.

8th -> At last the MULTILOADER should look like below, now click on the PORT SEARCH.

Once you have pressed PORT SEARCH, the COM PORT will come up in the filed shown, Click on DOWNLOAD.
Now sit back and wait, Multi loader will erase the rom and prepare it for rewrite in a matter of seconds. immediately after, it will begin the download process, this could take up to 20 minutes depending on you computers speed. After the process is complete, Your phone may restart on its own, this is ok. If your phones does not restart on its own, just remove the battery for a few minutes & reinstall your sim and memory card and you are ready to go! You may need to manually enter your wap and MMS settings but some providers sim will reset automatically.(I have provided with VODAFONE MUMBAI settings below)
Dark Forest's has recommend preforming a hard reset after a flash. This just makes sure every thing is cleared out and the firmware loads clean but this is not required.(In my case I had to do this)
You can perform a hard reset by typing *2767*3855# into the hand set (but not necessary.)
When the phone resets type *#1234# into your handset to check your new firmware version. :D
Thats it you are done.
Now with GPRS settings.Type as shown below.
Go to Menu -> Settings -> Network Settings -> Connections.
Create a new connection here with name Vodafone Live!
Acess Name -> portalnmms
Auth type -> Normal
User ID & password -> leave this blank.
Protocol -> HTTP
Home URL -> http://live.vodafone.in
Proxy Address ->
Linger time -> 300
Don't touch the Advanced Settings option.
If you were looking for a method to update firmware on Samsung STAR (5233/S5230) visit Dark Forest's site here. The Firmware for 5233/s5230 can be found on his site here
To Install theme on this phone click here
PS: If you liked my blog & it has helped you in anyway kindly click on some of the sponsor links :)
Also if you are leaving a comment I would request you to kindly leave it with your email address, so that I can reply to you on your mail id as I hardly get time to logon to the blog & reply, or you can leave a comment/follow me on Twitter @gkanu7
Can you please tell me what firmware version did you to upgrade to.
I can see you from india.
So i would prefer upgrading to the same.
I have upgarded to the one mentioned in the blog. There is no firmware out as of now for indian market.
Hi Kartik,
I didn't get ur ID anywhere so leaving my prob through comment here.
i bought Samsung just b4 a week. Everything going good only expect 1 prob. I CAN'T CONNECT my phone with my PC. M using Vista Basic. Have installed PC Suit which came with Phone. Still everytime i try to connect with PC, i gets msg "Drivers Not Found". Not even through PC Studio CD. Really fustrated :(
Will be great if u can help me out plz.
Thanking - Dushyant Joshi
@Dushyant -> did you try the methods i have mentioned on my previous blog?? alos there seems to be a problem with vista user. I am workingo n it. for now now try the method mentioned on my blog (link below) & also try downloading the pc suite for vista from samsung's sites.
Try this link. hoe it helps!
Well showed how to flash the firmware but that firmware is for samsung star s5230 and our phone model for india is s5233. I read somewhere these firmware cannot be flashed in to each other. Help Me
They both have the same hardware so it should be ok.Like S5600 & S5603 are the same. I suggest you read darkforest's blog for further details
Thanks a lot...
Hi, Sorry bt m nt abel to find ur blog which contains method to connect Samsung star with PC. The link u sent in reply, if i m nt wrong, is for Java Games and application install. But m not even abel to connect to PC.
@Dushyant -> download the drivers from this link,
Let me know if it still doesn work.
Make sure you unsinstall the previous pc suite & all drivers installed by it. Do a restart of your machine & then do a install of these drivers.The link mentioned you need to select your model & then download the driver.
For those who want 2 install java games on samsung S5233
I had been searchin n googling for past 1 week to understand sm way 2 install java games on dis device....finally wid help of Kartik n DarkForest hav been able 2 figure out how....Kudos 2 ur work guys :)
To tell u d truth u need 2 upgrade ur firmware of S5233 to S5230XEIE5
download link
n then use the link http://darkforestgroup.com/blog/?p=52 to update the firmware by following the steps given
after the upgradation of ur firmware now transfer .jar applications to others via bluetooth or usb(use PC Studio for usb)now tap on .jar app n it installs..
volla ur dun... :))
Hey Buddy do u have any themes for samsung GT-S5603, if u hav den plz.... send dem to khizarali@rocketmail.com
Hey... Great job on the blog
Do you know/think that the unofficial firmware update will prevent you from updating to an official samsung firmware update?
also, would this make the phone any less usable on a GSM 850/1900 network in the US? (to clarify, the phone was bought in India for use in the US)
Thanks a lot
what would happen if i updated my S5233 with firmware intended for the S5603?
@rohan -> no it should not affect anything.also it wont prevent you from updating to a official firmware later on.if you update your s5233 with s5603 you ull have a FRIED phone.. :D as both these have different hardware.
Hi. thanks for your help and explanation about the java installation problem. But im in turkey and my phone's language turned in English and there is no option to select for turkish how can i solve this prob??
Thank you...
@ Dadaq -> dude there might be Turkish in the XE version (for this you need to go to the same page from where you downloaded the the other firmware.) but i am not sure about it.My buddy darkforest has told me that he will try it & let me know, so ill let you know by tommo if there is any option for tht.
thanks. i am waitin for it.
@Dadaq -> sorry mate no Turkish firmware :( Darkforest has told me.. as soon as he get his hands on one he'll inform me. if you want. pass on your email id to me. Ill maill you when i get one.
ok dude i'll wait.. Thanks a lot
Hi Kartik
Can I use the same firmware for Samasung Star (S5233A)?
@ Tuhinava -> yes,but the one from dark forest's site.
hi Kartik
I recently got a samsung star 3g , i would like to know how to set wallpaper for all the screens, i mean sa the phone contains 3 diff screens .
When i try to set a wallpaper other than the default wall paper given, i could only see the wall paper which i set, only to the center screen, the laft and right screens to the center screen are blank.
Can you please suggest me on this, and in u r previous bolg u told that u have created some wall papers.
PLZ suggest.
Thanks & Regards
hey kartik..
yaar 2 dayz back bought samsung s5233 , but after installing pc studio also ..its says device not detecting.. itz damn irritating bro.. plz guide me
Hi kartik,
I updated the firmware as described in blackforest's website.Now I am not able to connect to my vodafone sim.It's working fine with other sims.I checked my sim in other phones,and it is fine.
Please help me to resolve this...
@ pabbu -> the wallpapers need to be of 720x320 resolution for them to be on all 3 screens, as unfortunately there aren't many sites that have them. so you'll have to create them manually of google them out :( (the ones mentioned on my blog are created by me using photoshop)
Below is a link of a site, might help you get started :)
@ kshitiz -> try uninstalling it completely, reboot system install the drivers from samsung UK's website (link is mentioned on my blog)
@ Salish -> Did you do a HARD RESET??
I am not able to download Pc suite not vista pls help
Hi dudes i just got a samsung s5603 mobile,can any one tell me where can i download games and themes for it...
hi, i have samsung star s5233a,to which firmware i should upgrade it. as in the list there are many. plz help me out.
@Harshit the firware version s S5230XEIE5 :>
@ vikas -> try the pc studio on smasung UK's website. should work.
@ Ram -> try getjar.com,mobile24,4shared,
@ harshit ->
The latest one in darkforests databse is
S5230XEIG6.rar -> 12-Aug-2009 -> 06:21 -> 79M
S5230XXIF5.rar -> 04-Aug-2009 12:42 -> 57M
S5230XXIG2.rar -> 05-Aug-2009 15:14 -> 78M
S5230ZCIE1.rar -> 04-Aug-2009 12:33 -> 95M
check which one is for your region & install that one. (I have access to his database/sites backend, so i can see these. you will have to go on his site & search these out.)
hi thanks kartik i am from india so i wanted to know which update suits best for me. plz help me out. and whether there is any problem in upgrading cell. as i am afraid to do it.
when i try to click on 'boot' button on the multiloader ans subsequently choose the destination bootfiles folder...it says cannot load binary files...pls help
Hi Karthik, thanks for your inputs. I just wanted to confirm whether the upgrade of firmware for Samsung Star (GT-S5233A) would enable installing java games directly on the mobile?
i am having s5233 ,i had try everything given in ur posts but nothing works tk explorer crashes down, m.getjar.com does not open up in my mobile,i am a vodafone user
please help me out?????
hey wer can i get procedure for increasing the speaker vol n incr mp3 vol of s5230 using secret factory codes.....i hav already checked dis on darkforest's site bt it wsnt der!!!
hey kartik...plzz sort me out..tkfile explorer crashes when i try to download any game...
hey kartik...plzz sort me out..tkfile explorer crashes when i try to download any game...
hw can i download games for samsung s5233a. when i downloaded and transfered into memory card and then into ma mobile i was enable open it. so plzzz help me
Firstly I apologies to all the users for me replying soooo late, actually have been very busy latly, anyways...
@harshit -> just follow the one i have mentioned on the blog & you should be fine.. if you follow the exact steps you should be fine.( but again do it on your own risk) also you will be voiding your warrenty with samsung.
@kailash -> try to reflash again (if you havent already)
@ Tuhinava -> YES!!
@Sharad -> search for Blue FTP on net & try
@XXX -> Its there on his fourms..
@ No -> Go thru the other blog of mine, ull find your answers there (comments section)
@ anitha -> try blue ftp, for updating star visit Dark forests website
@ Nagoor -> read my other blog
HI kartik
now i have downloaded the samsung's new pc studio and my pc is now detecting my mobile. in TK file explorer i can only transfer the JAD files and when i try to transfer the JAR files the TK file explorer crashes and the error report is displayed. Is there any other TK software from which we can transfer files to the cell without any problem ???
hey kartik i wanted 2 kno that though i did the firmware update of my model s5233 to s5230 bt if i again revert it to s5233.....is my warranty still valid???
This is off topic but I bought the Samsung Star s5233 recently and I wanted to watch a few videos on my phone so I converted the video in the resolution of 240x400 and 600 bitrate,mp4,h264, but the file did not run , which conversion settings should I use so that I can watch the videos in full screen in 240x400 resolution ?
i tried with tkfile explorer but it crashes each time. help me to fix it.
My phone 5233a is dead when i tried to upgrade the firmware. Please help me.
I have found a solution for ppl who can't see d files in their phone once u hv connected thru some port...especially vista users
When u open the Settings in TKFileExplorer click the Default button instead of entering a port number...a port number will appear(in my case it was COM4)...then click OK n connect
Now u will b able to c the phone contents...i used it n everything was fine n i can play d games...
Can anyone suggest any site that offers touch screen games for star 3G...
can i get themes for star 3g. and how to install themes in this phone.
plz tell me
mail id is: ashrajsharma@gmail.com
Hi Guys,
Please let me know can I play AVI format video on my cell S5603 (samsung 3g phone).
Hi Kartik,
I tried the getjar.com website for my samsung GT S5603 handset to download games but none of them seem to work ..Neither jar nor the jad files seem to work ...I get the message unsupported file....Please help :(
Thanks for the info..
are these firmwares cooked by DarkForest or its released by Company ?
@Preeti :
you have to log onto getjar or any other website through your phone browser and download it to ur phone ..I have downloaded Railway's, Opera Mini, and Markets On Mobile application n running good !!
@ shy -> i guess we cant.. never tried it.
@ preeti -> you need todownload those on your PC then tranfer them on your mobile & install blue ftp or lite ftp & install them. i have written the method on the blog.
@ :D..ulip -> these are open market firmware.
Hi Frds
Thanks Kartik for such a wonderful tips.
Dude, i updated my firmware however i am unable to connect to PC Studio.
I tried many times, it got connected but when i click on the phone icon it start loading and loading.. nothing to display..
even i tried to uninstall PC Studio and reinstall that again..but no use..
please help me.. as i am unable to connect it through my PC.
My firmware is : S5230XEIG4 and model number is S5233
@ nAveen -> try download the drivers from samsung uk's website.
could you please tell me the site URL..
Hi Guys
is there any way to uninstall the firmware??
how can i get back to my original settings??
Is someone have any idea..
waiting for ur replies
hi all..
my samsung s5230 just died on me wile flashing. the multiloader gave me an error message while upgrading firmware and freezed. i tried oing through the process again but didnt work. so i decided to reboot the phone... and here is where it all ended. the phone will NOT START IN DOWNLOAD mode nor in any other way.
pls help.. let me know if anyone has a solution to this problem.
thank you in advance.
@ Naveen Gandhi & stoic -> You guys need to get the phone to samsung service center to get your phone fixed.
thank you kartik... i hope the warranty still covers though.
ill keep you posted if it all worked out well.
hey kartik when I try to connect my phone with pc studio and connect on samsung s5233a button it keeps on loading and never loads
what should i do???????
thank you sooooooo much dude
not knowing how to say thnx to u
thnx thnx thnx
@ navneet -> Try installing the pc studio from samsing uk website.
man can any one give me url to download samsung 5233a star wallpapers 3 in 1 plz for god sake
Wall papers? My members post them quit often. http://darkforestgroup.com/forum/index.php?board=52.0
Thanks Darkforest, I am sure many users will be very happy with the link :)
thanks a lot...it worked perfectly...
hey kartik,
please send me games and themes for samsung star s5233a please.
my email address is tarun.munjani@gmail.com and alternate email is tarunldic@yahoo.co.in
waiting for your reply......
hey buddy i want some 3d games for my 5233a do u hav any links
hey guys i jus bought s5603 can u tel me as to y do we need to upgrade our firmware, i mean i dont have any prob yet with ma phone, n guys how get new themes for my phone..PLZ help me guys
Hi,can you tell my problem facing in samsung star3g,that when connecting to system my mobile settings are being reset.
Hey, does anyone know if I can install qwerty keyboard in samsung star 3g just like the other star versions have?
i feel this is one of the biggest drawback og 3g they should not remove it.
please help!!!!
to all those who have probz wid firmware update.......let me tell ya one thing.....if update is possible in one device it is possible in every other........the problem may be in mis interpretation or in ur system.....plzz reinstall pcstudio in such cases.......and remove ur fone sim lick...it will work miracuously.....!!!!!!!!
is it possible to have a qwerty keyboard on my fone(s5600)....i mean through firmware upgrades and all......if yes plzz state the process.......
I just brought Samsung Star3G (Gt S5603). I used BSNL Orissa GPRS. It works fine in my phone. But i can't able to connect it to internet in my PC. It always shows an Error 619 that the port was disconnected.
My Pc Studio works fine. But Bluetooth modem is not found in pc.
Pls. help me.
thanks kartik...
can u tell which applications can i install in star 3g..like...mediaplayer..or any thing
hey anyone know from where i can get a qwerty keyboard for my samsung star 3g.
i updated my firmware....but can u give me net settings for airtel hyderabad......or atleast any other sites that can help me......i cannot access my net(gprs)
@stareros -> if you phone is working fine. then you dont need to. The firmware upgarde is only for those who cant install java games in their phone.
@ goutham -> Yes the settings get reset. If you connect the phone in mass storage. If you connect it in pc studio , it wont get reset.
@ Mithun Sinha -> NO you cant. the closest you can get to have a qwert keyboard leayout in this phone is by installing the latest opera mini beta.
@ dude -> same as above.
@ Prasant.Biology -> uninstall drivers. Restart pc. then reinstall drivers. if this doesn fix the issue. uninstall drivers restart . download the drivers from Samsung Uk's website & install.
@ aniii -> you can install all java based applications (jar --- sis & sisx wont work)
@ dude -> just get hold of someone who has the grps. check his settings & enter them in your phone.
Hi Karthik,
Hats off to your work.. I am having Samsung star 3G handset (Model GT-S5603). Whenever i restart my mobile this handset model number will be displayed first. By successfully completing the above steps you said i restarted my mobile. I was shocked to see that my model number is displaying now as GT-S5600.
Is my model changed ? Where it went wrong ? Whats the difference ? What should i do to get my older version back ? Kindly help me out. Thanks in advance. Expecting your reply.
@vijay nothing has gone wrong but this firmware update is actually meant for the S5600 but as both phones have the same hardware so the software used doesn't matter .
when will the new firmware be released for samsung star s5600....i mean i want a change in theme and looks...
i have samsung s5233.i upgraded the firmware to S5230XEIE5.now everything works 5ne but am not able to call or msg eventhough i have full signals....
am using aircel sim(india).it simply shows network error.
can u tell me wats the problem and what should i do?????
PLZ REPLY SOON.............
my sim even works well on other phones....but when i tried !dea sim on my phone....
it even has the same problem.....
i even tried hard reset....
plz give me the soln.
Hi karthik
When I open the pc studio and click on the GT-S5603 it says "Unable to create the default folder. Unable to start the application."
I did what all i can do. I restarted the phone.. Restarted the Computer.. Hard Reset the phone. uninstalled and installed the PC studio.. But my problem is not solved.. please help me
@ dude -> No idea yet!!!
@ Bhagat -> I guess something has gone wrong. You better get it checked by samsung people. Dont mention any upgrade & it should be fine. I had come across the same issue some time back , some user had the same issue. He went to the service center, they replaced the phone & gave him.
@ pratap007 -> Have you upgraded your firmware.??? Did you try teh drivers form Samsung UK's website.??
Hi All! First of all thumbsup to KARTIK for such a nice blog. i ve been tracking this blog from last few weeks as recently ive bought Star 3g. as per price value it is nice phone. any how u all know much abt it.
My great concern is that i am not able to connect net from my PC through it i.e i am not been able to use it as a modem. I ve called the so called customer support and they told me to download Toccolite's PC suite which i ve done but no improvement. Again ive called them but their knowledge seems to be pathetic. Ive got a sony ericsson phone and through it with the same sim i can connect net. I am giving the details:-
SIM: aircel
If possible try to help me out as my main reason to buy the phone is to surf 3G net.
Hi Kartik,
Do you know what is the largest Java application Samsung S5233 can handle? I tried to download and install this:
without success... Thanks for your help...
can i get wifi by upgrading the firmware????am using samsung s5230..
hi kartik...
indeed a very good forum.....
i updated my STAR
i have a query, do we have a firmware update for
@ suyog -> 3g Net?? Brother correct me if I am wrong, but as far as i know MTNL ,Reliance & TATA's DOCOMO are the only ones having 3g service right now.Also regarding your surfing problem. (I am not sure if this will work, but here goes) Install Firefox.Once installed go to Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Network tab -> (Configure how firefox connects to the internet -> Settings -> Manual proxy configuration -> here type the IP address which is used by aircel for gprs..& the port which it uses, Vodafone uses 9401.Click on "Use this for all protcols". That with your Browser settings. I havent checked the PC suite settings & current am at work :P so cant help you out with that. You try this & let me know, ill check the settings in PC suite & let you know shortly.
@ master-d -> Which method did you try?? what error you got?? Deatils please.
@ Bhagat -> NO!! Firmware is software , WIFI is an hardware.
@ Pratik -> There should be, ill have to check that. Ill update you shortly.
Hi kartik. thx for the reply.Bro, surely aircel dont provide any 3g services but i am planning to buy a MTNL connection.prior to that i tried to connect through normal EDGE connection which i failed.The same can be made from my Sony-Er phone with same SIM.by the way my samsung 3g dont connect at all i.e it doesnt show that the "connection is established" and repeatedly gets disconnected to redial again and again.So, obviously ur suggested method wont work.but i truly appreciate ur concern.Pls try to find out how to solve my problem as ive tried with both its original CD software and also with Toccolite's software.
but if anything goes wrong during the process. will my cell be dead?
Hey kartik I tried updating my firmware according to tutorial and my cell does not start now. Im really stuck now. Pls hlp if u hav any info.
my phone is also dead at the screen "samsungmobile.com" :(
i think i didnt turn off the sim lock . wat can i do now?
hey kartik !!!!!!!i hv seen all ur blogs on the site but i still hv a prob. i m not getting any COM no. in the port drop down menu in tk file explorer ...i even rebooted my phn n pc and even reinstalled the pc studio but in vain,,,,didn't suceed....pls help yaar........thanx
i hv samsung star S5233 pls send me a way out yaar..... i had published my message above.......
help me out dude ....i hv pblished my message regarding my phone problem .... pls reply yaar dude.....
hey ..yaar..my phone's reset settings and reset cll timers thing is not working.its nt accepting th password..whts d default password and hw can i reset it.
i have got sam sung star not the 3g ,,can i get firmware updates of this handset also and what are the features i will be getting in the updated version..
pls help me
i m nt able to paste games usin tk xplorer
pls tell me how to paste games
New SAmsung Star Wallpapers..
My own creations..
i tried this method..
but after the step of download
an error came which said"port detect error"
and now the mobiles not working...
what shall i do..???
rply fast...
i tried the method above...
but during the step after download
when it was resetting..
an error came which said "port detect error"
and now the mobiles not starting....
what shall i do???
reply fast????
hey kartik plz help me out...
i m having samsung star. i followed ur steps but got a prob. dear
i m getting 3com ports com12 com13 com14
i m rcving error msg on
"the communication link is lost"
and a warning msg on the rest two com 12
com 14
warning: "unable to open the specified port. please try again"
what should i do to enjoy the stuff please help me out...
hello there..
i'm wondering...
cam my phone samsung GT S5233W use ( upgrade ) to other firmware..
example :
my samsung star upgrade to samsung pixon.?
please help me...i follow the steps correctly but when i click download, a messege appear:select image!what will i do?
please help... i follow the steps correctly but then when i click download a messege appear: select image! what will i do?
DO NOT DO THIS METHOD !! i just fried me phone !! This is not reliable in any way ! fuk..i just bought me phone 3 days ago..
HI Kartik,
i an using samsung star(not 3g)
i have updated the firmware to S5230XPIK5.
But the language is not english.
wht should i fo
Hi Krtik,
i have updated my star with S5230XPIK5, but there is nothing new, not worth updating, nor can i install jar application.
can you plz suggst me some good update, since i have given up my warranty.
i am from india
HI Kartik,
i am not able to connect my phone with USB pC Studio,
I have tried downloading the driver from UK site too, mention on your blog. Bt still it didnt helped me..
PLease help
My model is only star, and updated with S5230XEII4
iam using samsung gt-s5233w
and iam having lot of problem with it.
bu using tk file explorer too o coud't instal java games
and i could not instal any new themes
sooooo pls help mee pls pls
hi kartik can u plz tell me to set best setting for carema since as compare to others 3.2 mp carema phone the clearity is diffrent of my star so plz help for getting best setting for camera..
waiting for reply...
Hi Karthik,
I badly need these features, can these be done by installing any software or firmware updates:
(1) Call conversation recording, i see that we can only browse the ph book while in a call.....so how do you record a call?
(2) If i change the sim card, all sms in my inbox gets deleted, how do i fix it.....or can i store the sms in memory card instead of ph memory
Thanks in advance
sorry i forgot to mention, i am using a Star S5233 phone
hi karthik,plzzzzz plzzzz plzzzz help me out..i tried to update the firmware according to the steps u'hv given in ur blog but my cell is crashed..i can not be switch on..plzz let me know if i send it to samsung service center,does this problem will fall under warranty and can they find out why did it happen if i don't tell them the truth..
Hey Guys,
The latest Firmware S5600XXIK1 is totally different from those that have been released so far :D... It adds a new tab to your main menu :D .. It's So cool Try it and reply :) ..
Note : I found it in Darkforest site ! It is still there ..
Hi Karthik,
I updated the firmware S5600XEIG1 succesfuly. So Fw for 5600 is running in my Star3G handset. I am facing the problem like, i am unable to take my phone backup through Samsung NPS (PC Studio). Even if mobile is connected to PC through data cable, Backup icon is disabled state. Kindly help me on this,
Also please let me know, what are the new features in the new FW S5600XXIK1 as said by Naveen previously.
Hi every body, I had visit this blog very first, its awesome.
I need to know what is the use of frimware upgradation. and i need to know where i can get the touch games for my star 3g.
pls tell me where i can get touch games to my star3g.
is naveen true?......which is the latest firmware for smasung star s5600 or s5603?
hi kartik.
i m using samsung s5233a not 3g
from where i get the firmware for this phone.......
i m using this phone in india
hi kartik
i have updated the firmware as per the steps above but still text message storage has not increased it is still 500 total
pls guide
Hi i have a Samsung Star s5230 and the touch screen just stop working.. What is the problem and what can i do to fix it? Email me plz.. desean_madison@yahoo.com
i upgraded to S5600XEIG1 suscessfully...
but the problems are.....
still not more than 239 messages i can store....
please send me more games and themes.i have downloaded some games but they come with a pad down there.to play ''so i can't see on bottom wat happens.....please help me.
and give me some more themes ...please give me activison code ofgames which are not full versions in phone.....
is S5600XXIK1 this is a better one...how to upgrade it....
please send me mail at surender.singh97@GMAIL.COM ....please i am waiting 4 it.......
My sansung star 3g has no signal strength........how to fix this...........
My sansung star 3g has no signal strength........how to fix this...........
My sansung star 3g has no signal strength........how to fix this...........pls help me..pls mail me at shashank.338@gmail.com...............
Anybody, Pls tell me What is the meaning of FIRMWARE? How to use? I dont know.
My ID: cds_dipesh@yahoo.co.in
what is you turn it back to samsung star could you do it?
thnks buddy!!! worked for me like a charm!
hey, but one question, my phone looks more or less the same. what is the changelog between S5600XXIK1 and the original firmware?
dude ur update was great can u pls work on how to install .swf and flash player to watch videos of other websight other then
youtube on mobile browser
There is another problem which i face everyday.
When im listening to music on the ear phones and a call comes. After the call is disconnected the music starts playing in mono mode. I then have to restart the phone and then it works fine.
Hey bro, you rock! It worked perfectly, and I was able to retain my photos, videos, etc. Only thing is, I lost my contacts & a large no. of messages. But that doesn't really matter. :) Thank you so much! Keep posting helpful blog posts like this.
everytime i'm trying to enter in bootloader mode it only shows "Download" and the black screen..
Hi Kartik,
Nice post buddy!
I have the same problem as @suyog and @Prasant.Biology.
I can't connect to DOCOM GPRS with my Star 3G (S-5603) via PC.
It tries establishing connection but didnt really connect and keeps re-dialing.
Have you guys found out the solution?
Also, I also can't able to connect my friend's Corby 3G to Docomo GPRS and it has got same error as with my Star 3G.
So beware before buying this phone.
hi kartik i have followed steps u have specified all things got properly with tkfile exploer to jad maker and updating of java data base but after doing all that things i get a message not supported java file of file error i have tried for many files form different sites but still not able to work out plz help me i got irritated as searching for d right stuff for a month now i own samsung star gt-s5233a
Hi kartik ,
i like u to prepare a tutorial like these using samsung 2g tool
download it here
also check video
using zr3 without box
hi, pls refer my earlier post.. the smart tool is intended to be used with a special card or box which connects to certain connectors on the rear of the phone.. for flashing etc.. but on z3x page, as copied above, they have mentioned in absence of box/card the original usb cable can be used by activating USB flashing on phone [1. Enter code *#7284# - choise phone usb
2. Enter code *#9090# - choise 1. (or *#197328640# -> 9 -> 4 -> 1 )
3. Setup drives and enjoy.]
since i have not yet been able to download the tools, could someone else pls try this out..
to wrap it up, as i have understood so far..1. z3x tools have IMEI repair function for i7500.. which is similar to i5700, and i5700 uses same service codes..so IMEI repair function for i7500 could potentially be used for i5700 as well.
2. z3x tools are to be used in conjunction with their phone flashing card/box.
3. but by entering a code on phone it enables direct EEP Rom flashing via usb cable.. so the z3x tool (application) can be used directly..
4. to set up z3x tool for flashing phone directly from usb cable, first enter codes on phone as provided, then connect phone via usb cable and use drivers provided in z3x drivers folder.. (this may enable z3x tool to identify phone directly as target card or box...)
try it out guys, all the best!
for those who have bricked your phone , pls charge it until its regains its boot mode
Reflash it with multi-loader in the way mentioned by dark-forest
Hai...Friends this is nandha...i need themes for samsung star model. so any one help me where to download all the things...mail me if any web site nnandhu4u@gmail.com....
Can we pickup any firmware for SG-5603 from DarkForest
based on the following abbrv:
BD = Cyprus, Greece
BH = Mitteleuropäisch
CP = Finland
DB = Vietnam
DC = Thailand
DD = India
DT = Australia
DX = Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam
DZ = Malaysia, Singapore
JA = South Africa
JC = Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia
JP = Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
MT = Switzerland
XA = Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom
XB = Denmark, Norway, Sweden
XC = Portugal, Spain
XD = Croatia, Czech, Hungary, Slovakia
XE = Bulgaria, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Germany
XF = Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania
XG = unter anderen Germany
XX = Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
ZC = China, Hong Kong
ZH = Hong Kong
ZT = Taiwan
other Codes: (branding)
AD = O2, Austria
AE = SFR, France
AI = Tim, Italy
AM = Vodafone
AN = E-Plus, Germany
AO = O2, Germany
AS = KPN, Netherland
AU = Mobilkom, Austria
BB = Tmn, Portugal
BF = Optimus, Portugal
BG = Telefonica, Spain
BM = Swisscom, Switzerland
BN = Amena, Spain
BO = T-Mobile, Germany
BU = Vodafone
BV = Orange, Switzerland
BW = O2, United Kingdom
CD = Proximus, Belgium
CG = Telia Mobitel, Sweden
CH = SingTel, Singapore
CK = Tele2 Comviq, Sweden
CT = Tdc, Denmark
CU = One, Austria
CV = Telenor, Norway
DT = Optus, Australia
DV = Telstra, Australia
EF = Celcom, Malaysia
JB = Vodacom, South Africa
MD = Telia Sonera, Finland
MJ = Vodafone, Italy
MM = Tele Ring, Austria
MV = NetCom, Norway
NA = Nrj, France
NB = Tele2 Norway, Norway
NE = H3g Nordic, Sweden
NP = H3g, Italy
RF = T-Mobile
SS = Vodafone, Japan
hi im gaurav .I am using star 3g s 5603 when i changed my firmware my model no displayed during the boot time come GT S5600 have i done any mistake during the procedure
and while i connect to the pc studio it says "unregisted model has been connected" plz give me a solution to it.
my email is gauravat17@gmail.com
waiting for an early responce
hey can u also plz tell which firmware i wan use so that i can run theme on my mobile or games directly
phone s 5600
which is the original firmware in the phone s5603....i wanna download it back
i have upgraded firmware but now my mobile is not starting nor it is showing "Download" when i hold Vol-,power key n camera key.......plz help.....plz reply
hope u do the needful
Hi, after upgrading to new firmware, i m not able to see 3 home screens
Only one main menu is available
Hey Kartik,
I just want to know that will this firmware S5600XEIG1 be ok for my phone.
I have samsung star s5233s, its a non 3g and non wifi phone.I bought it from India and using it in India itself.
please help...
i tried what you said and now my phone wont turn on how do i fix this
Read your informative post. I have a query. Is there a way to record calls on the 5603. I read some where that the arabic firmware S603JPIE4/S5603JPIH4 will let u do this. Is it true. If it is where can i download these firmwares. Many thanks in advance. YOur blog is really nice. All the best.
hey i did install the patch but when i turned on my sumsung it wont because there was a probleme in the instalation or something so my phone dosn't turn on can you tell me how to get my old think back or just find any solution for this think
hi friends, i have bought samsung star2 s5260. whenever i try to browse i gives an error " not enough resource , close some application and try again " i hav tried all the possibilities like during browse i have closed all the application, i have made my default memory from phone memory to memory card . make it on the run flash option in the preferences. still the problem persist. samsung star 2 use the propriety browser name dolphin. is there any way to load the opera browser or some other browser in samsung star 2
please please anybody help me i dint read that part of rsrc2 so now my phone wont bot up i need help
Hi all,
I have Samsung Star S5233S which is named Star NXT.You must h'ave heard abou Samsung Star2-S5260. I have found some firmware update for S5260. Can i update my Star NXT with those updates? If possible anyone willing to help will be appreiated.........
hi kartik
it is great that this topic of urs has nearly completed 2 years & still going strong
yaar i followed the steps in exact correct order
bt multiloader hung probably and i disconnected the set
now the problem is that i m not able to switch on the mobile even after pressing the power button or the three keys
now it is really annoying as it hinders me from trying anything else
do u have any ideas on wat should be done or is it the time to go to service centre
help is needed friend at the earliest
hey can i install whatsapp messenger for samsung in the same way?
hey friend..i tried upgrading by your method but a seerious problem occured..the multiloader software started downloading n in betwn it showd me serial port error n since then my mobile is off.its nt gtng switch on also...plz help
will this firmware update upgrade the phone's flash player?
i backed up all my sms using NPS and it made a .nef file..
but how can i restore my sms to my phone...there is no option like that in NPS
CAN i use this FIrmware in samsung gt-s5233s
get all the Samsung firmware. I found this site but not tested any firmware.
how to dwnload it yar its nt cummin
Go to the website. find your firmware. click on it, then a new window will open. Click on "SLOWER DOWNLOAD". then enter the Captcha Code, wait for 2 min and click on SLOWER DOWNLOAD. then save the file.
that's it.
Since 1 week My Samsung star 3g (Gt-S5603) Touch isn`t working...!! Only Call Receiving/Call End and Back Options are working.. Totally the TouchScreen stopped working... How to solve this problem..?? Please help me guys..!! :/ :/ ... Thanks in advance:) :)
yeah this works. But i selected rsc(mid) instead of rsc(low) and my phone is not getting started. what to do?
yeah this works. But i selected rsc(mid) instead of rsc(low) and my phone is not getting started. what to do?
how i can update firmware on samsung GT s5233s??
this blog very informative. thanks for sharing..
Justin Tom
3G Serial Modems
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